4 Days in Montréal

Montréal, only second to Paris as being the largest French-speaking city internationally, has a reputation of superiority in dining, fashion, and hosting award winning events. Being the first North American city designated as a UNESCO City of Design by the Global Alliance for Cultural Diversity, it doesn’t take much to understand why Montréal is on the travelling lists of so many throughout the world.

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Mark Wilson: Grace in the face of an HIV epidemic.

A few moments after entering Boutique bar, my go-to martini lounge in the heart of Toronto’s gay village, I was instantaneously captivated by a man whose beard of white complimented a thick set of dark eyebrows that every man over the age of 60 would be envious of. I soon began to realize that his distinguished look harmonized well with a humble persona that could be spotted a mile away – or at least a few feet away, in a dimly lit room full of bona fide regulars.

Continue reading “Mark Wilson: Grace in the face of an HIV epidemic.”